The FFRM leads the “In-Squads” project for people at risk of social exclusion.

The FFRM is leading the In-Squads project approved by the European Union, which is aimed at young people aged 6 to 12 who are at risk of social exclusion or on the poverty line and who are unable to play sports. The project has important partners such as the University of Seville, which will develop a training plan for coaches and social workers, as well as other organisations from Poland, Serbia, Denmark and Spain. José Miguel Monje, President of the FFRM, was present at the presentation of the project.

The development of this project will consist of the creation of soccer teams where the children will learn to play sports through socio-sporting activities and will receive additional training in healthy lifestyle habits, interpersonal and socio-emotional skills, resilience and inclusion. This project, budgeted at 400,000 euros, will last for two school years and will end in July 2026.

“In-Squads” joins other projects that the Football Federation Region of Murcia has launched through its CSR, such as the “Liga Súper Fútbol 8”, made up of people with disabilities; For Fun, an equality project to incorporate women into the world of football; and the “Torneo en Red”, which works with people at risk of social exclusion.