Founded in 1505, the University of Seville is a public university and is the second largest in Spain. In terms of student numbers, its academic offer includes more than 88 degree programmes, 32 PhD programmes and 95 Master’s degrees. In addition to its educational offer, the University has academic and exchange partnerships with 850 institutions around the world. More than two thousand incoming and outgoing exchange students are also mentored each year.
Research excellence is facilitated by a range of highly advanced facilities, complemented by major national centres such as the Research Institute, the Centre for Technology and Innovation, the National Institute. Accelerator Institute and the Seville Institute of Biomedicine. More than 400 scientific teams at the University work on research projects and last year almost 48 patents were registered.
All of this has contributed to the University of Seville occupying an outstanding position in different rankings, achieving a presence in the seven most reputable international rankings. The University of Seville has a Strategic Plan that lays the foundations for an institution that is more open, flexible, innovative, intelligent and integrated in the city, which is committed to a renewed image, equality and entrepreneurship among its members. Internationalisation is an important milestone for the University of Seville and its participation and coordination of numerous European projects reflects this priority in its strategic plan.
The Department of Physical Education and Sport of the University of Seville is a consolidated department with more than 20 years of history, high research excellence and international knowledge transfer. In this sense, according to the Shanghai ranking (2022), it is among the 200 best in the world.
In relation to research, in the Department of Physical Education and Sport, most of the researchers of this proposal are located. In the field of sport, the University of Seville is a strategic partner that has also won dozens of European projects, such as Erasmus Plus, Horizon 2020, Horizon Europe, or Directorates General of the European Commission.